Become a Member
Build your business, enhance your network and broaden your knowledge with NCPAI!
Membership renewals are based on a January 1 – December 31 renewal cycle. Initial dues are prorated January through September. You will be billed the full membership amount during the next renewal cycle. NPCAI does not prorate the Qualified Contractor or Premier Member Benefit programs. (If you or your company conducts business under multiple membership categories, the largest membership fee amount must be chosen.)
Membership Benefits
Active Membership
Any firm, corporation, entity or individual installing, inspecting, maintaining, distributing or reselling products for play and recreation environments.
Affiliate Membership
Any firm, corporation, entity or individual having a business interest in the recreation and play industry, which does not qualify for another membership category (i.e. insurance, non-profit organizations, architects, etc.).
Manufacturer Membership
Any firm, corporation, entity or individual manufacturing recreation and play products and having design and quality control over those products.
NPCAI Member Benefits Include:
Access to multiple insurance programs including NPCAI Group Liability Insurance Plan and Errors & Omissions Insurance (for more information, click here)
Subscription to our e-newsletter, The Playground Insider
Access to NPCAI’s Job Board
$100 savings on RISC registration for all company employees
Eligible to participate in the Qualified Contractor Program (for more information, click here)
Eligible to participate in the Premier Member Benefit Program (for more information, click here)

Additional Benefits for Manufacturers:
Free 1/2 page ad in The Playground Insider e-newsletter
Two dedicated email blasts promoting your company each year
One free RISC course and exam (non-transferrable)

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Condimentum maximus

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